George Gollin Apologizes for Stalking
(too old to reply)
2011-09-08 17:16:21 UTC
I, George Gollin (George D. Gollin, George Dana Gollin), do hereby
publicly confess that I am responsible for all these false and
defamatory posts about Lawrence E. Creeden.

I posted out of bitterness and spite because I erroneously believed he
was involved in disseminating true but highly embarrassing facts about

Like nearly all of my alleged “research,” I failed to do any actual
investigation whatsoever and simply guessed, presumed and

Just like my collaborative dissertation, without 15 other people to do
all the actual work I cannot possibly get it right, and as a result
every word I have written is completely and totally false.

I humbly apologize for my inexcusable behavior and pray that everyone
I have offended will find it in their hearts to forgive me.

I am currently receiving psychological counseling and ask for
everyone’s prayers for the strength to recover from the crippling
mental disorder that afflicts me.

George D. Gollin
Department of Physics
University of Illinois
2015-10-26 05:08:01 UTC
George Gollin is a certified, convicted unethical motherfucker.

George Gollin has been found in violation of the Illinois State Employees and Officials Ethics Act and fined $5,000. George Gollin "knowingly and intentionally used his state-provided email account to engage in prohibited political activity." George Gollin admitted he knew he was misappropriating state resources when he sent "dozens" of campaign emails with his university email. The Executive Ethics Commission levied a $5,000 fine against George Gollin, the maximum allowed under the statute.

Read all about it: https://www.illinois.gov/oeig/Documents/14EEC011_Gollin_06_25_15.pdf

This comes as no surprise to anyone familiar with George Gollin's well-documented legal history of alleged extortion, stalking, civil rights violations, defamation, computer hacking, and a myriad of other contemptible and bizarre behavior. George Gollin seems to think that the taxpayer supported university is his personal playground, and its resources are to be exploited for his personal amusement.