Is SAE online accredited in the UK?
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2014-08-09 01:11:11 UTC
I was wondering if SAE online is accredited in the UK. They have an expensive "Master of Arts/Master of Science Professional Practice" https://www.saeonline.com/courses/mastersprofessionalpractice12 but the information is very vague: no faculty, no mailing address, no phone number, no guarantees whatsoever. It looks like a scam. Can I trust them?
2014-08-09 04:23:10 UTC
Post by f***@gmail.com
I was wondering if SAE online is accredited in the UK.
No, that school is not accredited in the UK.
Post by f***@gmail.com
They have an expensive "Master of Arts/Master of Science Professional Practice"
https://www.saeonline.com/courses/mastersprofessionalpractice12 but the
information is very vague: no faculty, no mailing address, no phone number,
no guarantees whatsoever.
I just visited their site. You're right: they don't even have a postal address. Is it legal?
Post by f***@gmail.com
It looks like a scam. Can I trust them?
A friend of mine had a horrible experience with SAE online and their Masters program. In the first place, they wanted to be paid right away (as you said, tuition is very expensive). Also, the material was inadequate and limited. Last but not least, when the program ended, they didn't let him graduate. What a joke, so much money for nothing! If you are interested, I can ask him to tell us his story.
2014-08-09 04:33:43 UTC
Thank you for your post. Yes, please ask him to tell us his story. I was considering their "Master of Arts/Master of Science Professional Practice (Creative Media Industries)" but I suspect it is a scam.
2014-08-27 06:35:09 UTC
There is no such thing as a "school"... SAE Online (formerly SAE Graduate College) is an unaccredited reseller of third-party degrees, plain and simple.